Give Me a Haircut or Give Me Death!
This weekend, I saw video taken at a protest march. The protester interviewed complained about government overreach, store closures, and—I kid you not—his inability to get a haircut. Nothing speaks to the encroachment of the Deep State on our liberties than unruly hair. A Story: My father-in-law, Frank, used to complain bitterly about toll roads. As a member of the “Greatest Generation,” he served in WW II, but fervently believed that toll roads were an attack on “Live Free or Die—” the reason why he signed-up to fight the Germans. Had it been my father, I would have told him he was an idiot and explained why. You can do that to your parents. You can’t, however, say that to your in-laws. [Note: Not enough space here to explain why not.] I vividly recall the HIV/AIDS crisis. As long as you didn’t exchange body fluids with an infected person, you weren’t at risk. Violating the social distancing guidelines with a person infected by the Coronavirus can make you ill—this vi...